Hey there! My name is Aysenur, or easier just Runi, and I am a third year medical student. This is my blog where I document what I am currently learning about skincare.
I am a big fan of science based skincare to the extent that I am too skeptic to purchase anything without understanding. So I decided to do what I do the best, study!
This blog is focusing on my journey to understand skincare, ingredients, routines, products and brands. I am a medical student in a research focused university so I have an eye for real science, experiments and studies.
My particular area of interest is in clean skincare and green beauty – what makes them clean, natural and organic. And why are they so expensive in the first place!?
I hope this blog to help you understand skincare a little bit more and hopefully help you to make the right purchases.
As a future physician I also bear the responsibility of always providing with the best skin concern, skin care and routine advice.
To follow these steps I research every blog for days and days and I hope you find it as interesting as I do and of course, have fun!
If you would like to get in touch, leave a feedback or just chat, do not hesitate to email me at:
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